International Public School

The School is managed by Shri Ram Nanda Educational & Welfare Society


“Love was not put in your heart to stay. Love isn’t, love until you give it away.”

Principal Message

If there is anything more powerful in this universe than faith and hope, it’s love. There is nothing more binding in this universe than love. Love is patient and kind. It gives hope and courage. Love heals and endures. Love is what cements us all and makes life worthwhile. Trees give fruit, rivers water, sun warmth, flowers resplendency – nature gives selflessly. It is from these simple truths that we learn our life’s lesson – love and give.

In a world fraught with conflicts and anxieties, deep divides and confusions, to be able to live by this life’s lesson seems a daunting task but in this lesson itself lies the answer to the questions that plague the modern man. For loving means to give selflessly and opening your heart to the suffering and maladies of the multitudes. When you love and give, it leads to fulfilment and a content human heart replete with simplicity and sensitivity.

It is our endeavour to instil in our children the feeling of compassion, empathy, tenderness and humaneness, the lack of which afflicts the world today. So that fortified with sensitivity and love, our students can forge a path of roses for themselves and humankind in future. Only in selflessness lies the future and salvation.

I believe in quality education, which will create sensitive caring citizens who will give something back to the society. Only then, will our vision be realised. I am sure International Public School, Bhopal , is one of the finest educational institutions in this universe and I trust in the years to come it will achieve greater heights. May God be our guiding light and bless our institution.

Deepti Singh