International Public School

The School is managed by Shri Ram Nanda Educational & Welfare Society



The management of The IPS is donned with versatile team leaders who are passionately involved in the holistic development of school and staff alike. Their vast experience and unquenchable thirst to excel, propels the others to exert for the best in every task undertaken. It is their indomitable spirit which has made The IPS one of the most sought after school ranked among the top 5 in the country today in a short span of 10 yrs.
The Senior Management Team of The IPS is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way !!

Management Team

Mr. Ashok Nanda


The unexpected and impossible happened and we were caught off balance during pandemic, newer ways of teaching came up. IPS rose to the challenge, energizing the young minds, fighting the adversity, we retooled and redesigned and delivered digital learning to the students, quenching their thirst of knowledge.

We came up with alternative education system to ensure that there was no loss in the learning, equipping and empowering. We established seamless learning platforms in our school.

Blessed by the state of the art platforms and technologies accessed by us, our committed faculty and staff left no stone unturned to ensure competency building . Clouds will soon give way to the full bright sun shine that is what we believe .

Mr. Alok Nanda

Vice Chairman

We , at IPS, believe in focusing on the overall development of the student. In the world of digitalisation it is the responsibility of the school to constantly provide opportunities that pull the students towards cultural, sports and other academic activities. We have a well versed team of counselors who continuously scrutinize students to be counseled for their career and emotional changes. Our career counseling team is one of the best in the state. We aspire to deliver the best facilities possible in the best interest of the students

Ms. Deepti Singh


At IPS I am flourished with “BLOOMING BUDS” the most beautiful section of the school, where the beginners from the age group of 2 to 7 years come to school holding hands of their parents to teachers for starting their journey from a bud to a flower. School is an institution which not only imparts education to the children but also works in making them well versed with the other things too. I have a different perspective related to the education system and about the school. According to me, education and the school should not be limited to just imparting bookish knowledge and information to the students. For me schools should take the initiative to make the child aware of their rights and duties. The school educates the children with all possible alternatives for enhancing their reasoning capabilities. The situational based learning helps the students to understand things in a much better way. "Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our own students. What better books can there be than the book of humanity.“

Ms. Afshan Navid

Vice Principal

Currently we have an education system that is known for its cut throat competition. What we in IPS want to see is 'change'.We have an education system that is more student friendly,a system where each child is recognized for his individuality. A system where every child has the freedom of speech and is not scared to tell the world that he wants to be a writer or an actor. We cannot teach a child without getting to know him/her first. Getting to know a child is the first step towards good education. Need of the hour is to help our children become 'independent thinkers' and develop 'integrated personalities '.We are trying our best to do that.

Mr. Tabish Zuberi

Vice Principal

Quality education in the early years of preschool sets a firm foundation in the overall development of a child. At IPS, the nursery curriculum provides a right array of activities to help children move towards achieving their early learning goals.

In Nursery, children are engaged in school readiness activities such as reading, writing, counting, number recognition and problem solving in a fun filled but purposeful manner. Children are encouraged to corroborate their learning through collaborative activities in the areas of dramatics, science and arts.